Covid in Portugal: The country ranked 19th in EU for daily cases


Portugal has a daily average of 68 cases, below the European average of 102 and far from the countries with the newest daily cases of infection: Lithuania (512), Slovenia (425), Estonia (405), Romania (339) and Latvia ( 323).

Although it does not belong to the European Union, the United Kingdom is one of the European countries with the most new daily cases, with an average of 493.

The world average of new daily cases in the last week is 59.

In the rest of the world, among countries with more than one million inhabitants, the Dominican Republic has the highest average (1,060 new cases daily), followed by Serbia (952), Mongolia (719), Cuba (666) and Israel (618).

In terms of daily deaths attributed to Covid-19 per million inhabitants in the last week, Portugal ranks 19th among the 27 member states, with an average of 0.6 deaths.

Bulgaria, with an average of 9.5 deaths, is the European Union country in the worst situation in this indicator, followed by Lithuania (6.37), Romania (6.18), Latvia (3.37), Croatia (3 .33) and Cyprus 3.06.

The European average for this indicator is 1.3 and the world average is 1.02.

In the rest of the world, among countries with more than one million inhabitants, the Dominican Republic has the highest average (13.8), followed by Georgia (9.9), Bosnia and Herzegovina (9.5), Bulgaria and Northern Macedonia (9.1).


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