ACT and Social Security inspected companies and found lay-off employees working


The Authority for Working Conditions (ACT) and the Social Security Institute (ISSI) inspected 2,100 companies and more than 16,000 workers between 29 May and 12 June and detected situations with signs of irregularity, such as employees working in its simplified lay-off regime and workers not declared to Social Security.

The entities explain that these processes under analysis, after the national inspection that involved 281 ACT inspectors and 127 ISS inspectors.

“ACT adopted 350 procedures, including administrative and warning notices and notifications for taking measures, especially in matters related to the employer’s duties in the period of reduction or suspension, fixed-term contracts, recording of working times, working hours and holidays, ”says a statement from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

Last month, 44,403 workers were in the lay code of the Labor Code in the country, which corresponds to the highest value ever. On Monday, Minister Ana Mendes Godinho clarified that these employees will be entitled to the stabilization supplement, between 100 and 351 euros, which will be paid in July. As for the simplified lay-off , the instrument created in the context of this pandemic, there are approximately 850 thousand workers, according to the monthly Social Security statistics and data from the Government.


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